Frags Justified |
01/01/2025, 18:57 |
He fragged La Botica at level 386. (Justified) |
01/01/2025, 18:57 |
He fragged Enoque at level 366. (Justified) |
30/12/2024, 10:20 |
He fragged Paizao Iluminat at level 274. (Justified) |
30/12/2024, 06:52 |
He fragged Paizao Iluminat at level 269. (Justified) |
30/12/2024, 06:52 |
He fragged Unabashed at level 339. (Justified) |
30/12/2024, 06:52 |
He fragged La Botica at level 353. (Justified) |
30/12/2024, 06:52 |
He fragged Seu Macho at level 374. (Justified) |
30/12/2024, 02:31 |
He fragged Zebinho Delideli at level 320. (Justified) |
30/12/2024, 01:57 |
He fragged Paizao Iluminat at level 263. (Justified) |
30/12/2024, 00:49 |
He fragged Zebinho Delideli at level 320. (Justified) |
Frags Unjustified |
29/12/2024, 22:56 |
He fragged Charlex Is Back at level 250. (Unjustified) |
28/12/2024, 03:35 |
He fragged Void at level 319. (Unjustified) |
26/12/2024, 23:11 |
He fragged Evo Zin at level 181. (Unjustified) |
26/12/2024, 23:02 |
He fragged Niriwauiikyfiuyeik at level 263. (Unjustified) |
26/12/2024, 23:02 |
He fragged Lucas Maluko at level 298. (Unjustified) |
26/12/2024, 22:59 |
He fragged Advanced Gameplay at level 275. (Unjustified) |
26/12/2024, 22:45 |
He fragged Obolas De Ouro at level 273. (Unjustified) |
26/12/2024, 22:40 |
He fragged Hybrid Theory at level 302. (Unjustified) |
26/12/2024, 22:33 |
He fragged Niriwauiikyfiuyeik at level 263. (Unjustified) |
26/12/2024, 22:33 |
He fragged Naoseioqueehperder at level 239. (Unjustified) |
Deaths |
29/12/2024, 06:54 | Died at level 336 by soul of braindeath, a soul of gazer, a soul of gazer, a soul of gazer, a soul of gazer and by soul of demon skeleton. | 28/12/2024, 06:34 | Died at level 331 by grim reaper. | 27/12/2024, 23:39 | Died at level 329 by Orshabaal, a the fire boss, a demon, a demon, a demon and by demon. | 27/12/2024, 21:53 | Killed at level 330 by Zxcvbqwer, The Shooter, Vieiraau Charlover, Dennaozs, Guerra The Legend, Psicografado, Big Block, Ivan The Legend, Genocida, Francis Warcry, Kryptxz, Obolas De Ouro, Ultra High, Hybrid Theory, Buble, Advanced Gameplay, Pronet Oreia, Doguinha Ed, a gerador, Mega Styller and by Addicted To War. | 27/12/2024, 00:11 | Died at level 320 by Nihilus, o Devorador de Almas. | 26/12/2024, 21:23 | Killed at level 320 by Buble, Obolas De Ouro, Hybrid Theory, Cleytinho Deboxa, Lucas Maluko, Lous Bland Bolt, Full Album Lp, Kryptxz, Mathewzor Pro Hard, Nox Devzk, Frikoo, Azulino Maloqueiro, Steak Tartare, Pronet Oreia, Botwins, Niriwauiikyfiuyeik, Zxcvbqwer, Advanced Gameplay and by Luffy. | 26/12/2024, 15:21 | Killed at level 321 by Frikoo, Greenismylife, Niriwauiikyfiuyeik, Nox Devzk and by Pichau. | 25/12/2024, 18:25 | Died at level 305 by thanatos. | 25/12/2024, 17:27 | Died at level 305 by grim reaper. | 25/12/2024, 16:32 | Died at level 304 by grim reaper. |