Frags Justified |
02/01/2025, 22:14 |
He fragged Hesperides at level 232. (Justified) |
02/01/2025, 22:11 |
He fragged Bruxitozenho at level 258. (Justified) |
02/01/2025, 22:11 |
He fragged Taifun Devilry at level 237. (Justified) |
02/01/2025, 22:07 |
He fragged Taifun Devilry at level 238. (Justified) |
02/01/2025, 22:07 |
He fragged Bruxitozenho at level 260. (Justified) |
02/01/2025, 21:51 |
He fragged Boltalha Ek at level 135. (Justified) |
02/01/2025, 21:50 |
He fragged Reginaldo Rossi at level 293. (Justified) |
02/01/2025, 21:50 |
He fragged Seu Macho at level 411. (Justified) |
02/01/2025, 21:41 |
He fragged Taifun Devilry at level 240. (Justified) |
01/01/2025, 22:30 |
He fragged Vieiraau Charlover at level 375. (Justified) |
Frags Unjustified |
01/01/2025, 20:01 |
He fragged Dennaozs Ms at level 311. (Unjustified) |
01/01/2025, 20:00 |
He fragged Dennaozs at level 315. (Unjustified) |
01/01/2025, 18:43 |
He fragged Big Block at level 291. (Unjustified) |
31/12/2024, 00:41 |
He fragged Billy The Kid at level 210. (Unjustified) |
29/12/2024, 22:21 |
He fragged Makert at level 205. (Unjustified) |
29/12/2024, 22:17 |
He fragged Ultra High at level 296. (Unjustified) |
29/12/2024, 21:36 |
He fragged Niriwauiikyfiuyeik at level 278. (Unjustified) |
26/12/2024, 23:18 |
He fragged Pronet Oreia at level 265. (Unjustified) |
26/12/2024, 22:18 |
He fragged Oreeiiudo Oppressing at level 251. (Unjustified) |
26/12/2024, 22:13 |
He fragged Poatan at level 259. (Unjustified) |
Deaths |
01/01/2025, 22:42 | Died at level 333 by guild boss. | 01/01/2025, 14:41 | Died at level 331 by Divine Lucifer, a demon, a hellfire fighter, a hand of cursed fate, a zombified, a juggernaut, a fire devil, a hellhound, a grim reaper and by Minishabaal. | 31/12/2024, 21:46 | Died at level 332 by demon, Divine Lucifer, a Pharaoh, a zombified, Morgaroth, a fire elemental, a hellfire fighter, a fire elemental, a hellspawn, a fire elemental and by fire elemental. | 31/12/2024, 21:37 | Died at level 333 by zombified, a juggernaut, Divine Lucifer, a hellhound, Minishabaal, a demon, a hellfire fighter and by hand of cursed fate. | 30/12/2024, 23:41 | Died at level 313 by Orshabaal. | 30/12/2024, 21:22 | Died at level 314 by zombified, a hellfire fighter, a demon, Morgaroth, Divine Lucifer, a Pharaoh, a hellspawn and by fire elemental. | 29/12/2024, 22:56 | Killed at level 302 by Seu Macho, Advanced Gameplay, Kryptxz, Void, Ultra High, Nietzsche, Naoseioqueehperder, Hybrid Theory, La Botica, Luffy, Ragatanga, Paizao Iluminat, Hold Attack, Chtz, Unabashed, Zebinho Delideli, Dani Forthewin and by Massachusetts. | 29/12/2024, 22:20 | Killed at level 303 by Kryptxz, Void, Naoseioqueehperder, Hybrid Theory, Terrivel Prexeco, Nox Devzk, Ultra High, Baudesk, Frikoo, Charlex Is Back, Morgadex and by Massachusetts. | 29/12/2024, 04:45 | Killed at level 296 by Unabashed, Nietzsche, Enoque, Dani Forthewin, Seu Macho and by soul of demon skeleton. | 28/12/2024, 17:25 | Died at level 288 by soul of braindeath, Legendary, a soul of demon skeleton, a soul of gazer, a soul of gazer, a soul of gazer and by soul of gozzler. |