Frags Justified |
12/01/2025, 23:59 |
He fragged Hawkz at level 163. (Justified) |
12/01/2025, 23:58 |
He fragged Kelen at level 127. (Justified) |
12/01/2025, 22:26 |
He fragged Pantito at level 202. (Justified) |
12/01/2025, 22:22 |
He fragged Nego Grana at level 150. (Justified) |
12/01/2025, 22:21 |
He fragged Nego Grana at level 153. (Justified) |
12/01/2025, 22:05 |
He fragged Baekz at level 111. (Justified) |
12/01/2025, 20:06 |
He fragged Anjo Negro at level 196. (Justified) |
12/01/2025, 20:04 |
He fragged Anjo Negro at level 197. (Justified) |
12/01/2025, 20:00 |
He fragged Anjo Negro at level 198. (Justified) |
12/01/2025, 19:57 |
He fragged Mazzaropi at level 201. (Justified) |
Frags Unjustified |
12/01/2025, 19:55 |
He fragged Mazzaropi at level 203. (Unjustified) |
12/01/2025, 19:45 |
He fragged Franklin Ukranic at level 359. (Unjustified) |
12/01/2025, 19:43 |
He fragged Mazzaropi at level 207. (Unjustified) |
12/01/2025, 19:28 |
He fragged Mazzaropi at level 209. (Unjustified) |
12/01/2025, 19:12 |
He fragged Mazzaropi at level 213. (Unjustified) |
12/01/2025, 18:56 |
He fragged Lord Gonixx at level 267. (Unjustified) |
23/12/2024, 23:45 |
He fragged Naoseioqueehperder at level 221. (Unjustified) |
23/12/2024, 23:41 |
He fragged Frikoo at level 221. (Unjustified) |
23/12/2024, 23:39 |
He fragged Ultra High at level 261. (Unjustified) |
23/12/2024, 23:36 |
He fragged Ultra High at level 262. (Unjustified) |
Deaths |
14/01/2025, 04:04 | Died at level 256 by soul of knight and by soul of monk. | 14/01/2025, 00:39 | Killed at level 253 by Biruleiby and by soul of monk. | 13/01/2025, 16:30 | Died at level 249 by dragon lord. | 13/01/2025, 14:01 | Died at level 248 by dragon lord. | 13/01/2025, 02:48 | Killed at level 241 by Rei Koko, King Apollon and by dragon lord. | 13/01/2025, 02:31 | Killed at level 242 by Rei Koko and by King Apollon. | 13/01/2025, 02:29 | Killed at level 242 by Rei Koko, King Apollon and by dragon lord. | 12/01/2025, 21:54 | Died at level 241 by Nihilus, o Devorador de Almas. | 12/01/2025, 19:45 | Killed at level 242 by Lagertha, Paizao Iluminat, Lord Gonixx, Abner Metamorfo, Anjo Negro, Yesdruid and by Capitao. | 12/01/2025, 19:35 | Killed at level 243 by Paizao Iluminat, Lord Gonixx, Chora, Franklin Ukranic, Lagertha, Mazzaropi, Nattanziin, Bengala Torta and by Xandyn. |