Frags Justified |
02/01/2025, 22:00 |
He fragged Nean at level 67. (Justified) |
01/01/2025, 23:08 |
He fragged Nandozenho at level 152. (Justified) |
01/01/2025, 23:07 |
He fragged Mayling at level 205. (Justified) |
01/01/2025, 23:06 |
He fragged Burn The Ship at level 293. (Justified) |
01/01/2025, 23:05 |
He fragged Nox Devzk at level 284. (Justified) |
22/12/2024, 23:41 |
He fragged Meu ku at level 198. (Justified) |
22/12/2024, 23:26 |
He fragged Paizao Iluminat at level 231. (Justified) |
22/12/2024, 23:22 |
He fragged Francis Warcry at level 234. (Justified) |
22/12/2024, 23:20 |
He fragged Niewczycielcruzk at level 200. (Justified) |
22/12/2024, 23:17 |
He fragged Toinsz at level 216. (Justified) |
Frags Unjustified |
01/01/2025, 23:03 |
He fragged Mayling at level 206. (Unjustified) |
01/01/2025, 23:01 |
He fragged Reginaldo Rossi at level 278. (Unjustified) |
01/01/2025, 22:53 |
He fragged Zdhajdshaodshajdkl at level 313. (Unjustified) |
01/01/2025, 22:29 |
He fragged Reginaldo Rossi at level 278. (Unjustified) |
01/01/2025, 22:12 |
He fragged Mayling at level 207. (Unjustified) |
19/12/2024, 23:39 |
He fragged Itami Oshiro at level 180. (Unjustified) |
18/12/2024, 23:44 |
He fragged Skollz Star at level 177. (Unjustified) |
18/12/2024, 23:30 |
He fragged Naoseioqueehperder at level 193. (Unjustified) |
18/12/2024, 23:19 |
He fragged Volta Pramin at level 215. (Unjustified) |
18/12/2024, 23:16 |
He fragged Pronet Oreia at level 173. (Unjustified) |
Deaths |
02/01/2025, 22:14 | Killed at level 232 by Massachusetts, Luffy, Zdhajdshaodshajdkl and by Unabashed. | 22/12/2024, 23:18 | Killed at level 232 by Massachusetts, Vieiraau Charlover, Francis Warcry, Victinhoz, Keep Cooler, Tacador De Star, Ivan The Legend, Chora, Kanguro Jack, Mega Styller, Hold Attack, Applesz, Training Affitemok and by Meu ku. | 22/12/2024, 23:16 | Killed at level 232 by Toinsz, Victinhoz, Francis Warcry, Keep Cooler, Hold Attack, Ivan The Legend, Chora, Jatoba, Training Affitemok, Vieiraau Charlover, Meu ku, Kanguro Jack, Mega Styller, Applesz and by Folkszenho. | 22/12/2024, 23:15 | Killed at level 233 by Tacador De Star, Meu ku, Vieiraau Charlover, Victinhoz, Francis Warcry, Keep Cooler, Training Affitemok, Mega Styller, Ivan The Legend, Hold Attack, Jatoba, Kanguro Jack and by Chora. | 22/12/2024, 23:13 | Killed at level 233 by Vieiraau Charlover, Massachusetts, Meu ku, Ivan The Legend, Victinhoz, Keep Cooler, Training Affitemok, Mathewzor Pro Hard, Francis Warcry, Applesz, Jatoba, Tacador De Star, Hold Attack, Chora and by Toinsz. | 22/12/2024, 23:12 | Killed at level 233 by Victinhoz, Tacador De Star, Massachusetts, Keep Cooler, Vieiraau Charlover, Chora, Applesz, Training Affitemok, Jatoba, Mega Styller and by Ecstasy. | 22/12/2024, 22:58 | Killed at level 234 by Training Affitemok, Massachusetts, Perry, Vieiraau Charlover, Hold Attack, Keep Cooler, Zlitoos, Francis Warcry, Nada Sei, Ecstasy and by Hesperides. | 20/12/2024, 01:43 | Killed at level 234 by Lesrir Dionus, Magmash Aphlo, Drahyr Maeel, Mormash Amarin and by infernalist. | 20/12/2024, 01:10 | Killed at level 234 by Mormash Amarin, Lesrir Dionus, Magmash Aphlo and by Drahyr Maeel. | 19/12/2024, 23:56 | Killed at level 233 by Hybrid Theory, Ultra High, Obolas De Ouro, Rafa Alves, Buble, Brazilian Dog, Itami Oshiro, Niriwauiikyfiuyeik, Frikoo, Terrivel Prexeco, Naoseioqueehperder, Pronet Oreia, Rafasz, Steak Tartare, Addicted To War, Cleytinho Deboxa, Full Album Lp and by Goatt. |