Frags Justified |
22/12/2024, 20:05 |
He fragged Tacador De Star at level 207. (Justified) |
22/12/2024, 20:02 |
He fragged Nada Sei at level 258. (Justified) |
22/12/2024, 19:54 |
He fragged Zdhajdshaodshajdkl at level 206. (Justified) |
22/12/2024, 19:51 |
He fragged Luffy at level 238. (Justified) |
22/12/2024, 19:49 |
He fragged Dani Forthewin at level 233. (Justified) |
22/12/2024, 19:44 |
He fragged Saci De Mobilete at level 203. (Justified) |
22/12/2024, 19:43 |
He fragged Luffy at level 238. (Justified) |
22/12/2024, 19:43 |
He fragged Xvxvxvxvxvxv at level 210. (Justified) |
22/12/2024, 19:43 |
He fragged Kbessa Ed at level 226. (Justified) |
22/12/2024, 19:43 |
He fragged Lililiilili at level 217. (Justified) |
Frags Unjustified |
22/12/2024, 19:52 |
He fragged Zdhajdshaodshajdkl at level 206. (Unjustified) |
22/12/2024, 19:12 |
He fragged Dacuquelambeosdedo at level 95. (Unjustified) |
22/12/2024, 19:12 |
He fragged Coronnel at level 111. (Unjustified) |
22/12/2024, 18:53 |
He fragged Txd Gordinho at level 223. (Unjustified) |
22/12/2024, 18:51 |
He fragged Txd Gordinho at level 225. (Unjustified) |
22/12/2024, 18:50 |
He fragged Txd Gordinho at level 226. (Unjustified) |
22/12/2024, 15:05 |
He fragged Perry at level 257. (Unjustified) |
21/12/2024, 01:55 |
He fragged Charlex Rush at level 139. (Unjustified) |
21/12/2024, 01:35 |
He fragged Mathewzor Pro Hard at level 207. (Unjustified) |
21/12/2024, 01:32 |
He fragged Charlex Rush at level 151. (Unjustified) |
Deaths |
23/12/2024, 12:45 | Killed at level 261 by Rayrayityructa, Rickzin, Sexy Hot, Drahyr Maeel and by rot elemental. | 23/12/2024, 09:39 | Died at level 261 by rustheap golem and by glooth golem. | 23/12/2024, 03:12 | Killed at level 255 by Mormash Amarin, Drahyr Maeel, a devourer, Magmash Aphlo and by Wreius Basstat. | 23/12/2024, 02:14 | Killed at level 255 by Krist, Rayrayityructa, Caabbelliin Dashow, a rustheap golem and by rot elemental. | 23/12/2024, 02:12 | Killed at level 256 by Krist, Rayrayityructa, Caabbelliin Dashow, a rustheap golem and by glooth golem. | 22/12/2024, 19:26 | Died at level 254 by zoio de lula. | 22/12/2024, 18:04 | Died at level 254 by rustheap golem, a glooth golem and by devourer. | 22/12/2024, 17:49 | Died at level 254 by rustheap golem and by glooth golem. | 22/12/2024, 16:55 | Died at level 254 by rustheap golem and by Chtz. | 22/12/2024, 16:06 | Died at level 254 by rustheap golem, a devourer and by glooth golem. |