Frags Justified |
21/12/2024, 23:22 |
He fragged Ivan The Legend at level 228. (Justified) |
21/12/2024, 23:22 |
He fragged Knowledge Osama at level 197. (Justified) |
21/12/2024, 23:22 |
He fragged Zzarb at level 228. (Justified) |
21/12/2024, 23:19 |
He fragged Nada Sei at level 248. (Justified) |
21/12/2024, 23:17 |
He fragged Notladx at level 197. (Justified) |
21/12/2024, 23:13 |
He fragged Knowledge Osama at level 198. (Justified) |
21/12/2024, 23:12 |
He fragged Dani Forthewin at level 228. (Justified) |
21/12/2024, 23:11 |
He fragged Zack Fdp at level 253. (Justified) |
21/12/2024, 23:11 |
He fragged Txd Gordinho at level 228. (Justified) |
21/12/2024, 23:11 |
He fragged Knowledge Osama at level 198. (Justified) |
Frags Unjustified |
22/12/2024, 12:25 |
He fragged Gustavo Passos at level 64. (Unjustified) |
22/12/2024, 12:25 |
He fragged Destino Cruel at level 62. (Unjustified) |
22/12/2024, 12:25 |
He fragged Gustavo Passos at level 64. (Unjustified) |
21/12/2024, 22:18 |
He fragged Ivan The Legend at level 230. (Unjustified) |
21/12/2024, 22:17 |
He fragged Francis Warcry at level 237. (Unjustified) |
21/12/2024, 09:17 |
He fragged Soren Rp at level 67. (Unjustified) |
21/12/2024, 09:17 |
He fragged Soren Ek at level 67. (Unjustified) |
21/12/2024, 09:17 |
He fragged Soren Ed at level 66. (Unjustified) |
21/12/2024, 09:17 |
He fragged Hey James Ed at level 67. (Unjustified) |
21/12/2024, 09:17 |
He fragged Soren Ms at level 66. (Unjustified) |
Deaths |
22/12/2024, 12:30 | Killed at level 180 by Rafa Alves, Cleytinho Deboxa and by Thi Varo. | 21/12/2024, 23:42 | Killed at level 174 by Novinha Pcc. | 21/12/2024, 23:30 | Died at level 175 by MegFuryosa. | 21/12/2024, 23:26 | Killed at level 175 by Txd Gordinho, Legend, Lous Bland Bolt, Mega Styller, Zzarb, Ivan The Legend, Hold Attack, Zxcvbqwer, Zlitoos and by Training Affitemok. | 21/12/2024, 23:22 | Killed at level 175 by Zxcvbqwer, Nada Sei, Training Affitemok, Zlitoos, Perry, Legend, Dennaozs Charlove, Txd Gordinho, Ragatanga and by Mega Styller. | 21/12/2024, 23:03 | Killed at level 176 by Chaves, Perry, Unabashed, Rayrayityructa, Zzarb, Dani Forthewin, Hold Attack, Training Affitemok, La Botica, Unbelievable, Francis Warcry, Novinha Pcc, a castle gerador and by Zxcvbqwer. | 21/12/2024, 23:01 | Killed at level 177 by Nada Sei, Training Affitemok, Hyrleia, Zxcvbqwer, Perry, Mega Styller, Unbelievable, Hold Attack, Zzarb, Zlitoos, Legend, La Botica, Unabashed, Ivan The Legend, Txd Gordinho, Francis Warcry and by Dennaozs Charlove. | 21/12/2024, 22:46 | Killed at level 177 by Nada Sei, Francis Warcry, Zlitoos, Txd Gordinho, Perry, Dani Forthewin, Hold Attack, Legend, Training Affitemok and by La Botica. | 21/12/2024, 22:43 | Killed at level 178 by Ivan The Legend, Hold Attack, Nada Sei, Zzarb, Dennaozs Charlove, Zlitoos, Txd Gordinho, Perry and by Training Affitemok. | 21/12/2024, 22:37 | Killed at level 178 by Legend, Hold Attack, Nada Sei, Dennaozs Charlove, Notladx, Txd Gordinho, Zxcvbqwer, Zlitoos, Ivan The Legend and by Francis Warcry. |