Frags Justified |
27/12/2024, 23:02 |
He fragged Kryptxz at level 284. (Justified) |
27/12/2024, 23:01 |
He fragged Terrivel Prexeco at level 241. (Justified) |
27/12/2024, 23:01 |
He fragged Ultra High at level 289. (Justified) |
27/12/2024, 23:01 |
He fragged Daymon at level 203. (Justified) |
27/12/2024, 23:01 |
He fragged Obolas De Ouro at level 267. (Justified) |
27/12/2024, 23:00 |
He fragged Botwins at level 289. (Justified) |
27/12/2024, 23:00 |
He fragged Poatan at level 258. (Justified) |
27/12/2024, 22:59 |
He fragged Full Album Lp at level 252. (Justified) |
27/12/2024, 22:59 |
He fragged Piruzao Socafofo at level 270. (Justified) |
27/12/2024, 22:58 |
He fragged Buble at level 249. (Justified) |
Frags Unjustified |
Deaths |
01/01/2025, 20:00 | Killed at level 315 by Ai Meu Cu, Abner Metamorfo, Ms Dashow, a soul of knight and by soul of monk. | 01/01/2025, 15:42 | Died at level 315 by demon and by Orshabaal. | 31/12/2024, 23:01 | Died at level 311 by soul of knight and by soul of monk. | 30/12/2024, 13:41 | Died at level 300 by soul of knight and by soul of monk. | 30/12/2024, 04:27 | Died at level 299 by soul of knight and by soul of monk. | 29/12/2024, 21:13 | Killed at level 297 by Abner Metamorfo, La Botica, Dani Forthewin, Zebinho Delideli and by soul of monk. | 28/12/2024, 01:45 | Died at level 274 by soul of knight. | 28/12/2024, 01:33 | Died at level 275 by soul of knight. | 27/12/2024, 23:02 | Killed at level 274 by Morgadex, Pronet Oreia, Addicted To War, Nox Devzk, Steak Tartare, Buble, Piruzao Socafofo, Poatan, Terrivel Prexeco, Ultra High, Botwins, Hybrid Theory, Cleytinho Deboxa, Lucas Maluko, Niriwauiikyfiuyeik, Zlitoos, Naoseioqueehperder and by Nada Sei. | 27/12/2024, 18:42 | Died at level 274 by soul of knight, Thi Rasga and by soul of monk. |