Frags Justified |
22/12/2024, 23:41 |
She fragged Meu ku at level 198. (Justified) |
22/12/2024, 23:26 |
She fragged Paizao Iluminat at level 231. (Justified) |
22/12/2024, 23:18 |
She fragged Calcinha at level 202. (Justified) |
22/12/2024, 23:17 |
She fragged Toinsz at level 216. (Justified) |
22/12/2024, 23:16 |
She fragged Ecstasy at level 182. (Justified) |
22/12/2024, 23:16 |
She fragged Marowak at level 89. (Justified) |
22/12/2024, 23:15 |
She fragged Sua Ex Tamamando at level 167. (Justified) |
22/12/2024, 23:14 |
She fragged Armany at level 221. (Justified) |
22/12/2024, 23:11 |
She fragged Jolipe at level 120. (Justified) |
22/12/2024, 23:11 |
She fragged Folkszenho at level 212. (Justified) |
Frags Unjustified |
22/12/2024, 23:11 |
She fragged Marowak at level 89. (Unjustified) |
22/12/2024, 23:11 |
She fragged Benkz Is Back at level 179. (Unjustified) |
22/12/2024, 20:48 |
She fragged Training Affitemok at level 228. (Unjustified) |
18/12/2024, 23:35 |
She fragged Itami Oshiro at level 148. (Unjustified) |
18/12/2024, 23:25 |
She fragged Hybrid Theory at level 208. (Unjustified) |
18/12/2024, 23:19 |
She fragged Brazilian Dog at level 183. (Unjustified) |
18/12/2024, 23:17 |
She fragged Piruzao Socafofo at level 192. (Unjustified) |
Deaths |
22/12/2024, 23:18 | Killed at level 192 by Applesz, Mathewzor Pro Hard, Massachusetts, Ivan The Legend, Francis Warcry, Toinsz, Keep Cooler, Vieiraau Charlover, Training Affitemok and by Chora. | 22/12/2024, 23:17 | Killed at level 192 by Victinhoz, Kanguro Jack, Meu ku, Vieiraau Charlover, Francis Warcry, Applesz, Ivan The Legend, Massachusetts, Chora, Mathewzor Pro Hard, Taifun Devilry, Armany, Mega Styller and by Folkszenho. | 22/12/2024, 23:11 | Killed at level 193 by Tacador De Star, Meu ku, Massachusetts, Applesz, Hold Attack, Taifun Devilry, Niewczycielcruzk, Toinsz, Mathewzor Pro Hard and by Mega Styller. | 22/12/2024, 23:01 | Killed at level 193 by Keep Cooler, Massachusetts, Training Affitemok, Zlitoos, Jatoba, Chora, Perry, Applesz, Nada Sei, Vieiraau Charlover, Francis Warcry, Mega Styller and by Hesperides. | 22/12/2024, 22:56 | Killed at level 194 by Zlitoos, Nada Sei, Hold Attack, Massachusetts, Ivan The Legend, Perry, Toinsz, Vieiraau Charlover, Keep Cooler, Chora, Jatoba, Mega Styller, Birizenho and by Ecstasy. | 22/12/2024, 22:55 | Killed at level 195 by Ivan The Legend, Toinsz, Hold Attack, Massachusetts, Francis Warcry, Keep Cooler, Applesz, Perry, Niewczycielcruzk, Jatoba, Nada Sei, Zlitoos, Chora, Mega Styller, Training Affitemok and by Artzenho. | 22/12/2024, 22:53 | Killed at level 195 by Perry, Nada Sei, Chora, Musiala Tanky, Hold Attack, Keep Cooler, Ivan The Legend, Jatoba, Francis Warcry, Training Affitemok, Zlitoos, Applesz, Mega Styller, Portuga Old Ulhon and by Cole Palmer. | 22/12/2024, 22:49 | Killed at level 196 by Massachusetts, Nada Sei, Chora, Keep Cooler, Ivan The Legend, Zlitoos, Perry, Musiala Tanky, Hold Attack, Applesz, Vieiraau Charlover, Mega Styller and by Niewczycielcruzk. | 22/12/2024, 21:18 | Killed at level 197 by Mega Styller, Musiala Tanky, Training Affitemok, Taifun Devilry, Hold Attack and by Ivan The Legend. | 22/12/2024, 21:14 | Killed at level 197 by Musiala Tanky, Training Affitemok, Francis Warcry, Perry, Doguinha Ed, Ivan The Legend, Zdhajdshaodshajdkl, Portuga Old Ulhon, Niewczycielcruzk, Ragatanga, Chora, Keep Cooler, Knowledge Osama, Toinsz and by Zlitoos. |