Frags Justified |
11/01/2025, 15:21 |
He fragged Mancha Azul at level 167. (Justified) |
11/01/2025, 15:16 |
He fragged Mancha Azul at level 168. (Justified) |
11/01/2025, 14:52 |
He fragged Chora at level 296. (Justified) |
11/01/2025, 14:52 |
He fragged Yesdruid at level 256. (Justified) |
11/01/2025, 13:34 |
He fragged Juninho Mage at level 224. (Justified) |
10/01/2025, 15:01 |
He fragged The Infernum at level 150. (Justified) |
10/01/2025, 03:03 |
He fragged Jovinin Canelaseca at level 165. (Justified) |
10/01/2025, 02:54 |
He fragged The Infernum at level 152. (Justified) |
09/01/2025, 20:22 |
He fragged Flare Four at level 108. (Justified) |
08/01/2025, 20:24 |
He fragged Bloker Lesnar at level 214. (Justified) |
Frags Unjustified |
11/01/2025, 15:36 |
He fragged Juninho Mage at level 223. (Unjustified) |
08/01/2025, 19:07 |
He fragged Allanon Spectro at level 312. (Unjustified) |
07/01/2025, 18:43 |
He fragged Iveto Sangalo at level 165. (Unjustified) |
05/01/2025, 01:25 |
He fragged Kanguro Jack at level 214. (Unjustified) |
05/01/2025, 01:24 |
He fragged Kanguro Jack at level 214. (Unjustified) |
05/01/2025, 01:21 |
He fragged Kanguro Jack at level 217. (Unjustified) |
05/01/2025, 01:00 |
He fragged Kanguro Jack at level 228. (Unjustified) |
05/01/2025, 00:49 |
He fragged Vawennazeramax Ww at level 212. (Unjustified) |
Deaths |
10/01/2025, 13:07 | Killed at level 237 by Chapeu De Palha, Nick Draco and by dawnfire asura. | 09/01/2025, 19:37 | Killed at level 228 by Biruleiby and by destiny statue. | 09/01/2025, 13:39 | Died at level 226 by thanatos. | 09/01/2025, 00:01 | Died at level 219 by choranao. | 08/01/2025, 23:40 | Died at level 221 by mini demonio, a mete porrada, a demon and by fire elemental. | 08/01/2025, 22:36 | Killed at level 222 by Marvel, Yesdruid, Nick Draco, Chapeu De Palha, a destiny statue and by Royal Bolado. | 08/01/2025, 20:25 | Killed at level 222 by Biruleiby, Nick Draco, Kanguro Jack and by Yesdruid. | 08/01/2025, 00:58 | Died at level 217 by Orshabaal, Morgaroth and by demon. | 07/01/2025, 00:57 | Died at level 201 by thanatos. | 07/01/2025, 00:06 | Died at level 202 by Nihilus, o Devorador de Almas. |