Frags Justified |
29/12/2024, 22:57 |
He fragged Advanced Gameplay at level 299. (Justified) |
29/12/2024, 22:57 |
He fragged Void at level 320. (Justified) |
29/12/2024, 22:57 |
He fragged Morgadex at level 317. (Justified) |
29/12/2024, 22:56 |
He fragged Dani Forthewin at level 308. (Justified) |
29/12/2024, 22:56 |
He fragged Nox Devzk at level 256. (Justified) |
29/12/2024, 22:56 |
He fragged Charlex Is Back at level 250. (Justified) |
29/12/2024, 22:56 |
He fragged Frikoo at level 258. (Justified) |
29/12/2024, 22:56 |
He fragged Massachusetts at level 302. (Justified) |
29/12/2024, 22:56 |
He fragged Ate Sair Meu Red at level 251. (Justified) |
29/12/2024, 22:55 |
He fragged Botwins at level 296. (Justified) |
Frags Unjustified |
27/12/2024, 23:24 |
He fragged Doguinha Ed at level 222. (Unjustified) |
26/12/2024, 22:52 |
He fragged Luffy at level 297. (Unjustified) |
26/12/2024, 22:45 |
He fragged Ragatanga at level 267. (Unjustified) |
26/12/2024, 22:13 |
He fragged Paizao Iluminat at level 261. (Unjustified) |
26/12/2024, 21:58 |
He fragged La Botica at level 344. (Unjustified) |
26/12/2024, 21:14 |
He fragged Legendary at level 287. (Unjustified) |
26/12/2024, 21:12 |
He fragged Legendary at level 287. (Unjustified) |
26/12/2024, 21:11 |
He fragged Legendary at level 288. (Unjustified) |
25/12/2024, 04:41 |
He fragged Loot Monster at level 76. (Unjustified) |
24/12/2024, 23:48 |
He fragged Loot Monster at level 79. (Unjustified) |
Deaths |
29/12/2024, 22:57 | Killed at level 299 by Hold Attack, Ragatanga, Nietzsche, La Botica, Seu Macho, Luffy, Zebinho Delideli, Chtz, Hybrid Theory, Unabashed, Paizao Iluminat and by Advanced Gameplay. | 29/12/2024, 22:36 | Killed at level 300 by La Botica, Zebinho Delideli, Nietzsche, Seu Macho, Massachusetts, Unabashed, Hold Attack, Ragatanga, Luffy, Hybrid Theory, Paizao Iluminat, Ate Sair Meu Red, Chtz, Nox Devzk, Advanced Gameplay and by Void. | 27/12/2024, 23:23 | Killed at level 279 by Jatoba, Ivan The Legend, Genocida, Vieiraau Charlover, Victinhoz, The Shooter, Perry, Keep Cooler, Zlitoos, Doguinha Ed, Zxcvbqwer, Applesz, Arcoverde, Advanced Gameplay, Mega Styller and by Pronet Oreia. | 27/12/2024, 21:39 | Killed at level 279 by Ate Sair Meu Red, Ragatanga, Hold Attack, Luffy, La Botica, Eudora, Paizao Iluminat, Dani Forthewin, Nietzsche, Zack Fdp, Unabashed, Enoque, Advanced Gameplay and by Niriwauiikyfiuyeik. | 27/12/2024, 15:37 | Killed at level 280 by Esquilo De Xt, Seu Macho, Rickzin, Novinha Pcc, Lesley, Dani Forthewin, Daymon, Lucas Maluko, Eudora, Advanced Gameplay and by Pronet Oreia. | 27/12/2024, 15:05 | Died at level 280 by demon, a fire elemental, a grim reaper and by nightmare. | 26/12/2024, 22:59 | Killed at level 275 by Nietzsche, Unabashed, La Botica, Seu Macho, Chtz, Chaves, Azulino Maloqueiro, Lucifer, Luffy, Zack Fdp, Franklin Ukranic, Massachusetts, Eudora, Paizao Iluminat, Advanced Gameplay and by Pronet Oreia. | 26/12/2024, 14:02 | Died at level 272 by grim reaper. | 25/12/2024, 23:22 | Killed at level 268 by Chtz, La Botica, Chaves, Seu Macho and by Dani Forthewin. | 25/12/2024, 05:56 | Died at level 261 by grim reaper. |